Hailing from NW FLorida, Chris Calohan is a classically trained artist whose photographic roots began in 1959 when his uncle brought him a Canon 35mm camera from Japan. Developing his skills and furthering his photographic knowledge, Chris explored photographic printmaking, alternative processes using digital negatives, film including color, transparency and infrared, hand applied emulsions and digital processes. A retired high school and college professor, Chris has worked professionally with some of the best printmakers and photographers in the USA to include Al Weber, David Vestal, Marianna Petris, Mary Dole, Maggie Taylor, Gary Sampson and Jerry Ulesmann. Furthering his skills, Chris has attended, developed or been an instrumental part in the development of the following workshops:
Frogman’s Press 2003, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD. Safe-Etch/Photo Etch
Adjunct Professor, Gulf Coast Community College: Digital Photography, 2006
Photo Formulary, Condon, MT, Traditional Black & White Photography at its Best /Adv Class. June, 2006, 2007. Lab Assistant to Al Weber/David Vestal.
Program Designer: Building Creative Futures, University of West Florida, 2009, an Art Educator’s Studio Retreat
New Hampshire Art Institute, Art Educator’s Workshop with Mike Ariel (Advanced Digital Imaging) and Gary Sampson (the Handmade Print), June 2011
Santa Fe Photography Workshops, Beginning and Advanced Alternative Processes with Christopher James, June 2009/2010, Santa Fe, NM, Lab Assistant 2010
Harn Museum, Teacher’s Art Institute, July 2009, 2010, 2011. Developed teacher instructional materials with artists Maggie Taylor and Jerry Ulesmann.
Presenter: Harn Museum, University of Florida, The Handmade print as an interdisciplinary vehicle for math, science, English and art teachers, Art Teacher’s Institute Workshop, July 17-19, 2011, co -teaching with Jerry Ulesmann.
In addition, Chris has won numerous photographic competitions to include:
Best of Show, B&W Film Division, Faces & Facets, a regional photography show, 2003.
First Place, Abstract, Digital, Faces & Facets, a regional photography show, 2013
Best of Show, Digital, Faces & Facets, a regional photography show, 2014